Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bringing Sexy Back

If I could ask Justin Timberlake one question, it would be this: Sexy never went anywhere. Why do you need to bring it back? If I had another question I'd ask who'd ordained him the man to do this. I admit he's sexy, a concept I couldn't have understood if sexy was gone anywhere as he would have us beleive, but I just don't see how he's ATTRACTIVE.

I'm not sure what it is about Justin that gets on my nerves so much. I think it must be the image he tries to put forth. First of all the way he appears physically. He's immaculately dressed in these pristine and perfect clothes, yet he also tries to look scruffy by allowing that little growth of bumfluff stubble to take hold of his face. It just makes him look like he can't figure out what he wants to be.

Another thing he can't figure out is how to use an iPod. This is a supremely simple task that even an infant could manage. Yet he manages to balls it up. Worse still, he's proud of the fact that he finds it too confusing to use. He thinks it's cool to be completely technologically inept. That viewpoint more than any other sums up nicely why I find him so repulsive.

He's stupid and is proud of it. I don't mind people being happy with who they are, but showing off your worst traits because you think they're your best isn't the right way to go about things. Indecision and careless stupidity aren't cool, and Justin shouldn't perpetuate some kind of self-concocted myth that they are.

So by all means, be sexy, be happy with yourself, but don't be an arse.

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