Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Eye of the Beholder

Okaaaayyyy, so today Ronan came out with the statement that there's nothing worse to see than two gay guys kissing. My first reaction was to tell him to get some perspective. He disagreed and said it was worse than ANYTHING.

So here's my list of things I'd rather seeing two gay guys kissing than:

1. Decapitation with a rusty knife.

2. Dead and mutilated anything.

3. Mouldy stuff.

4. Injured people.

5. Anyone I care about crying, sick, dying, in a bad mood.

6. Ronan naked.

7. Ronan kissing anyone. He doesn't look like he's good at it.

I could make this list much longer but I'm lazy. Basically you get my idea. I'm living with a bunch of people who have tunnel vision. Help!

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