Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Like a Stuck Record

Just as hard as it used to be keeping a vinyl record clean and unscratched (which I don't remember to be honest), it's harder to stop my flatmate Ronan from playing the same few songs OVER and OVER and OVER again.

Today I've been graced with the Dubliners, one of the most offensive bands ever to roam Éire. Maybe hearing them screaming "ooh aah up the RA, I said ooh aah up the RA," just the once wouldn't have been too bad, but FOUR TIMES? The IRA serve no purpose any more, and the biggest part's disbanded. But being from Tipperary and actually wanting Ulster back, he may just be the kind who thinks the IRA are still a solution. Or maybe he just has no musical balance (or taste if he listens to the Dubliners).

I seriously never thought I'd get sick of Snow Patrol. But he's played them to death. If I hear Chasing Cars one more time I swear I'll shoot myself. Lucky me that he doesn't like Set the Fire to the Third Bar (my current favourite Snow Patrol song from Eyes Open). I think it's cos he doesn't like female singers.

But it's not even just the music. I mean seriously, he was watching Home & Away yesterday and he described every single character as a fucking idiot. Every last one. "Why's she crying?"-him
"Because she got a serious burn in the fire and thinks she's ugly and the guy she just kissed didn't kiss her back and she thinks it cos she's too ugly."-me
"She's some fucking idiot!"-him

The girl has a serious mental problem. The people who were trying to help her were also "fuckin idiots." The guy who didn't kiss her was a "fucking idiot." The woman who was becoming an alcoholic after her mother or something died was a "fucking idiot." I'd think it was due to a lack of adjectives in Tipperary except I know other far more well-spoken Tipp people. I'd love to see him with a girl who was crying. "What's up with you?"
"I'm pregnant and I'm only 16. My parents will kill me."
"Shut up you fucking idiot!"

Charming and sensitive. But the real annoyance is that he seems to live through repetition. He plays the same songs over and over, says the same things over and over, even makes the very same sandwich every day at the same time. He's stuck in a routine that he can't get out of.

Stuck records are one thing, you can just move the needle on the record player. Stuck people are entirely different...

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