Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Never Wanna Age, I Never Wanna Die

I've come to the conclusion, after much deliberation, that I don't ever want to be older. Furthermore, I never want to die. I want to stay 18 forever. I've weighed up the pros and cons and I know what I want.

Given the choice, and the proviso that a select group of my friends could also do so, I would choose immortality and everlasting youth. Why you may ask? Cos it kicks ass that's why!!! I love it as I am now, loath as I am to admit it. I want to be fresh and vibrant and jubilant and childish for the rest of my everlasting life.

It's not just the fun and games. It's the being able to enjoy everything forever. I would NOT get sick of it. No matter what anyone says. I'm not even sick of the Matrix yet and I've watched it at least 50 times. Same goes for Lord of the Rings. I don't even get sick of doing the washing up. I think it's funny to pretend that the plates are people I don't like and I'm drowning them and scrubbing them with a brush.

A real advantage to not dying would be the ability to "I told you so," a lot of other people. I have visions of me and my other immortal friends making bets on what's going to be the most popular religion in 189 years time or what country will start the next war. It'd be so much fun being able to see that kinda thing. You could also have the one up on all the little mortals. "Should we just give him the land to shut him up?"
"Well, that's what the League of Nations did with Hitler 1783 years ago and that started the Second World War. So I'd say no. Also, make sure he can't build a decent space fleet. Hitler built up his forces in secret, you don't want that happening here."
"Who are you and who let you into this meeting?"

See like that. And I know you could argue that the world could've ended by then but wouldn't it be something great just to be around for the end of it all, to see how it happens. I'd like to know and I'm willing to bet a lot of other people do too. So come on science and invent me a fountain of youth. I'll be your friend...

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