Friday, November 10, 2006


Yep, time for a rave.

First time I saw it I thought that it was a great idea. Any time anyone has a disagreement with someone else, out come the cards. It seemed a good alternative to knives or guns or blowdarts. Have a card battle, a game of skill and luck. And in the end, nobody comes out injured or dead.

It all fell apart almost immediately. The more sinister side to the duelling became apparent; the bizzare metaphysical stakes involved. I mean, why would you bet your soul on a card game? And why fight someone whos been going around duelling people to steal their souls by duelling them? Would you really take that risk?

If you really want to stop the man taking all the souls, call the police on him, punch him, SHOOT him, but for the love of God do not play him at his own game. That's just silly.

Of course there are always people who abuse the system. So I appeal to you, those of you who would use any kind of card game, board game, game of marbles, soccer match, any kind of field sport (team or otherwise), debating tournament, or other such activity, to steal peoples souls and imprison them in another realm until your power in unstoppable, think twice about what you're doing. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.

This appeal is especially directed at José Mourinho, who has already stolen the souls from his own players and wishes to do so to all others until he becomes all powerful. Please José, have a heart and release their souls, before it's too late.

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