Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Stranger's Just a Friend You Haven't Met

Don't you just love it when you make an unexpected new friend? It just puts a whole new gloss on life doesn't it? It really is brilliant. Of course it's better in real life, but I just met someone online.

She saw a comment I'd left on bebo, remarking on how bebo was getting a bad reputation cos of porn (this was beneath something that was clearly porn), and she asked me what bad stuff people were saying about it. I told her about a news report that'd been on BBC Northern Ireland about the ills of bebo. And from there we got talking.

It's just the pure randomness, the sheer unlikeliness of the whole thing that makes it great. From strangers to friends in minutes. I wanna make more friends right now!!! In university tomorrow, there's no holding back. New friends, here I come!

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