Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My New Pet Hate

Couples. They're so annoying, especially the ones that go around showing off how in love they are. Like the couple on the bus the other day.

They got on, spent about ten minutes putting their stuff into the overhead compartments, then proceeded to ask me and the guy in front of me if we were willing to sit together cos they just couldn't bear to be separated. It's a HALF HOUR JOURNEY. We're not going to Antartica!!! It's Youghal to Cork City for God's sake. But no, they just HAD to sit together. And then they spent the rest of the journey fondling each other. God it was sickening...

And I couldn't've just dismissed it as foolish young love. These two were in their late twenties and had clearly been together for at least a year. I mean it's nice to know that love exists, I just think they're taking it to the extreme, pretending they can't go half an hour without sitting next to each other.

So couples, get a grip, or else I'll kill you all....

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